Course Description:

Arts and cultural organization administration and management. Operations and procedures of art and humanities-based agencies. Funding and financial structures involving audience development and promotion.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts administration, arts and cultural management, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, nonprofit fundraising, financial management, nonprofit development, labor relations, organizational structure, nonprofit leadership, board relations, strategic planning, forming a nonprofit, legal considerations, financial management, facility management, arts marketing, nonprofit marketing, nonprofit communications, nonprofit promotions, public relations, education, outreach

Course Description:

Strategic theory and approaches for arts and cultural organization administration and management. Budget development and strategy; fundraising and financial strategy. Staffing and human resource management.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts administration, arts and cultural management, arts and cultural administration, innovation, nonprofit fundraising, financial management, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, history of arts management, arts in society, organizational structure, nonprofit leadership, forming a nonprofit, strategic planning, mission, vision, values, board relations, board management, human resources, program planning, evaluation, financial statements, budgeting, nonprofit accounting, fundraising, arts advocacy, government, public schools, arts education, education, outreach, human development, marketing trends, marketing research, social media, technology, arts marketing, nonprofit marketing, nonprofit communications, nonprofit promotions, public relations, advertising, community engagement, community arts development, public art, making the case for the arts

Course Description:

Publicity, promotion, and outreach principles for arts and cultural management. Promoting research and strategy, outreach and education, e-Commerce strategies and social media management.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts administration, arts and cultural management, arts and cultural administration, nonprofit fundraising, innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, marketing, communication, branding, nonprofit marketing, nonprofit Communication, nonprofit branding, arts marketing, personal branding, marketing for the arts and cultural sector, promotions, nonprofit promotions, e-commerce, marketing in arts and cultural management, public relations, nonprofit public relations, social media for the arts and cultural sector, mobilizing external communities, cultivating partners, advertising, brand communications, internal brand ambassadors, authentic brand meaning

Course Description:

Technical aspects of event planning, production and management. Operational procedures of presenting, producing and programming events and cultural activities. Technical and venue management procedures.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts administration, arts and cultural management, arts and cultural administration, nonprofit fundraising, innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, event planning, event production, event design, event management, planning, event leadership, financial leadership, human resources, time management, project management, vendors, contracts, on-site production, marketing, communications, integrated communications technology, risk management, legal considerations, crowd management, front-of-house management, stage management, special events, corporate events, virtual events, career development, event evaluation, event marketing, event communications, event fundraising, event education, event outreach, social media, event technology, guest management, event logistics, vendor relations, licensing and permits, qualitative research, quantitative research, strategic planning, SWOT analysis, event structure, budgeting

Course Description:

Arts and cultural organization education and outreach. Understanding of K-12 school and community programs.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, arts and cultural education, arts and cultural outreach, education programs, outreach programs, nonprofit education programming, nonprofit outreach, education in the arts and cultural sector, outreach in the arts and cultural sector, outreach for arts and culture, outreach, education, human experience, community engagement, STEAM learning, STEM learning, arts and creativity, convergent thinking, divergent thinking, creating thinking, education technology, teaching artist, arts integration, public schools, education system, common core, test scores, standardized tests, movement, primary school, school organization, middle school, field trips, STEAM lesson plans, highs school, art classes, multiple intelligences, professional development

Course Description:

Development of leadership abilities, creative, and innovative planning in arts and cultural management through readings and practical application.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts administration, arts and cultural management, arts and cultural administration, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, nonprofit leadership, leadership, innovation, arts advocacy, professional development

Course Description:

Arts and cultural organization development and public relations. Investigation of foundation, government, corporate and individual funding sources. Membership and subscription services, press releases, strategies and advertising campaigns.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts administration, arts and cultural management, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, development, fundraising, public relations, nonprofit development, nonprofit fundraising, crowdsourcing, building a funding base, arts marketing, direct marketing, special events, annual campaigns, capital campaigns, planned giving, making the ask, donor relations, board relations, planning, evaluation, ethics, social media, nonprofit communications

Course Description:

Address the complex skills involved in the management of both private and public arts and cultural venues. Understand and analyze the skills required for building operations, policies, vendor contracting, scheduling, maintenance, daily operations, event coordination, additional fundraising opportunities; and policies required for public safety and control. Internal and external relationships required for complex arts and cultural venues.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts administration, arts and cultural management, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, facilities, operations, nonprofit facilities, nonprofit operations, facility planning, foundational statements, visitor experience, market analysis, exhibitions, public programs, planning space, integrating space, planning amenities, universal design, accessibility, diversity, crowd management, front-of-house management, technology, conservation, risk management, environmental considerations, legal considerations, building design and construction, operations management, security management, evaluation, logistics, supply management, staff management, space management, waste management, financial management, facility strategies, planning documents, functional areas, building zones, support spaces, strategic planning, mission alignment, sustainability, nonprofit leadership, nonprofit fundraising, schedule management, project management, site selection, special events, event management, event, production, design and construction, building construction, exhibition development, day-to-day operations

Course Description:

Seminar covering key topics and approaches in arts and cultural management, and the preparation of academic and professional portfolios.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts administration, arts and cultural management, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, personal branding, professional development, blogging, social media, branding, career planning, portfolio development, practicing artists, forming a nonprofit, forming an arts practice, skill development, networking, career prep

Course Description:

Activities, functions, and organization of museums. Changing role of museums as cultural institutions.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, museum studies, museum activities, museum foundations, museum functions, organizational structure, art in society, cultural institutions, museum exhibitions

Course Description:

Methods and practices for the development, care, and use of museum collections in research, education, and exhibition activities.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, museum studies, museum collections, collections, conservation, curation, curator, museum curator, curatorial practices, research, museum research, education, arts education, educational programming, nonprofit programming, exhibitions, exhibition development, collection development, collection conservation, museum curation, museum curatorial practices, outreach activities

Course Description:

Special topics supplementing regular course offerings.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, museum studies, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation

Course Description:

Activities, functions and organization of a museum.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, museum studies, museum activities, museum functions, museum internship, organizational structure, museum organization, applied learning, professional development, career prep, innovation

Course Description:

Theoretical and practical approaches to the planning, design, development, installation, and evaluation of museum exhibitions. Field Trip required.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, museum studies, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, exhibition planning, exhibition design, exhibition installation, evaluation, exhibit, museum exhibit, exhibition, museum exhibition, exhibit planning, exhibit design, exhibit development, exhibit installation, exhibit evaluation, exhibit preparation, exhibition preparation

Course Description:

A capstone course consisting of supervised professional experience in learning environments such as museums, zoos, botanical gardens, and historic homes.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, museum studies, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, museum activities, museum functions, museum internship, organizational structure, museum organization, applied learning, professional development, career prep, professional experience

Course Description:

Practical experience in museum studies.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, museum studies, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation

Course Description:

Theoretical and practical approaches to understanding and enhancing ways visitors experience museums, zoos, botanical gardens, and other informal learning environments. Creating educational programs, exhibits, and media.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, museum studies, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, educational programs, nonprofit programs, museum exhibits, museum exhibitions, media, museum education, education programs, outreach

Course Description:

Arts and cultural organization artistic administration and executive management. Operations and procedures of art and humanities-based agencies. Funding and financial structures involving audience development and marketing.


Nonprofits, arts and cultural management, arts administration, nonprofit administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, nonprofit management, nonprofit fundraising, financial management, nonprofit development, labor relations, organizational structure, nonprofit leadership, board relations, strategic planning, forming a nonprofit, legal considerations, financial management, facility management, arts marketing, nonprofit marketing, nonprofit communications, nonprofit promotions, public relations, education, outreach

Course Description:

Legal issues pertaining to the creation and operation of cultural business entities. Exploration of relevant aspects of nonprofit and business law, finances and taxes, contracts, intellectual property, constitutional law, artists’ moral and economic rights, estate planning for individuals and organizations. Historical and contemporary examination of reparations of cultural property.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, legal issues, legal considerations, nonprofit formation, forming a nonprofit, nonprofit operation, operations, nonprofit law, business law, financial management, tax management, contracts, law and ethics, planned giving, nonprofit fundraising, cultural property, intellectual property, nonprofit development, law and policy, arts policy, public policy

Course Description:

Legal issues pertaining to the creation and operation of cultural business entities. Exploration of relevant aspects of nonprofit and business law, finances and taxes, contracts, intellectual property, constitutional law, artists’ moral and economic rights, estate planning for individuals and organizations. Historical and contemporary examination of reparations of cultural property.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, legal issues, legal considerations, nonprofit formation, forming a nonprofit, nonprofit operation, operations, nonprofit law, business law, financial management, tax management, contracts, law and ethics, planned giving, nonprofit fundraising, cultural property, intellectual property, nonprofit development, law and policy, arts policy, public policy

Course Description:

Introduction to the history of museums and current practices, standards, issues and ethics related to education, administration, visitor studies and the development, care and use of museum collections.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation, social entrepreneurship, museum studies, ethics, educational programming, museum administration, guest management, visitor studies, museum collections, collections development, conservation, sustainability

Course Description:

Theoretical and practical approaches to the way museums, zoos, gardens and other cultural sites use digital media, the web, interactive media and databases to engage the public, create virtual exhibits and web presences, and manage collections. Ways technologies are changing the definition of visitors and visitor experiences and the definitions of museums.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, museum studies, digital media, web management, interactive media, databases, public engagement, community engagement, audience development, virtual reality, augmented reality, virtual exhibits, web presence, collection management, museum collections, visitor experience, guest management, art in society

Course Description:

Research methods and practices for the development, care, and use of museum collections in research, exhibition, and interpretation.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, museum studies, research methods, museum collections, collections, collection development, conservation, exhibit development, exhibit, museum exhibit, museum exhibition, exhibition, exhibition development, exhibition research, exhibit research exhibition curation, exhibit curation, curator, curatorial practices

Course Description:

Special topics supplementing regular course offerings, proposed by faculty on a group study basis.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, arts and humanities, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation

Course Description:

Supervised applied experience in a museum, zoo, garden or other learning environment related to a student’s field of study.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, museum studies, museum activities, museum functions, museum internship, organizational structure, museum organization, applied learning, professional development, career prep

Course Description:

Current issues in museum studies.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation, museum studies, industry trends

Course Description:

Practical experience in museum studies.


Nonprofits, nonprofit management, arts and cultural management, arts administration, arts and cultural administration, museum studies, leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, innovation