Undergraduate Minor Spotlight – Mollie Mills

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Mollie Mills has had a life-long love of theatre and is passionate about taking an active role in social justice leading her to a major in Stage Management and a minor in Arts & Cultural Management where she is exploring the administrative side of the arts.

Mollie’s favorite class was Events, taught by Tina Newhauser. Mollie said, “I’ve worked in the events world in the past and this class opened up a whole new world when it comes to even planning and management. It’s definitely something I can see myself pursuing, and I’ve even worked two conferences thanks to the professor, Tina.”

One of Mollie’s most memorable experiences in the program was her internship at PBS Books where she worked under ACM&MS professor Heather-Marie Montilla on a series of interviews featuring trailblazing women in literature. This opportunity provided Mollie the opportunity to meet many amazing authors, dive deeper into the fields of broadcasting and literature, and a wealth of experience working for a well-established large nonprofit.

Mollie’s advice to other ACM students is to build relationships with your professors. “You never know where those connections will take you, plus the ACM faculty is so cool you’ll want to be friends with them all anyways!”

Post-graduation, Mollie is excited to begin her job search for a position at an education or arts oriented nonprofit where she can bring more diverse voices into those spaces.